HIPAA Stats & Facts

We couldn’t call them fun facts, because there’s really not a lot that one could label “fun” when it comes to HIPAA, but we thought we’d take a look at some of the statistics and facts in a summary fashion.  HIPAA, often misspelled HIPPA, stands for the Health...

Heart Healthy

With romance in the air for the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday, we thought we’d shine a light on the ways that HIPAA can be affected by love in the workplace and what rules are in place to address it.  Are there ethical repercussions to dating your doctor?  Can my...

No Business is Too Small

  It Happens Everywhere While the world might still be in varying states of chaos with regard to a multitude of topics, when it comes to HIPAA fines and enforcement of regulations, things are getting back on track. As the global pandemic settled into our daily...

No Business Is Too Small

It Happens Everywhere While the world might still be in varying states of chaos with regard to a multitude of topics, when it comes to HIPAA fines and enforcement of regulations, things are getting back on track. As the global pandemic settled into our daily lives and...

Systemic NonCompliance

The story narrative varies slightly from episode to episode, but the outcome is generally the same.  Pay a fine, make a plan, regret not doing this all in the first place.  This isn’t some soap opera or Netflix binge-worthy series; this is real life and the characters...

Systemic Noncompliance

The story narrative varies slightly from episode to episode, but the outcome is generally the same.  Pay a fine, make a plan, regret not doing this all in the first place.  This isn’t some soap opera or Netflix binge-worthy series; this is real life and the characters...
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