common healthcare breaches

What Are the Most Common Healthcare Breaches?

When it comes to protecting your business, the approach needs to extend beyond the locks on the doors.  Cyber threats are the highest risk to your patient and data security.  So what are the most common healthcare breaches that you should be on the lookout for regularly?

Ransomware Attacks

Malware, short for malicious software, is launched into a business’s network.  It then infects the system and encrypts the data, which is then held hostage by the hacker.  Once the ransom is paid, the data will be unencrypted and released back to the business.  There are many ‘ifs’ in this scenario. This includes the likelihood of the data being made available if the payment is received.  There is no guarantee that the hijacker or cybercriminal will hold up their end of the bargain once they have their money.  Government agencies and cybersecurity experts both warn against making ransom payments.  Additionally, there is no guarantee that they won’t do it again.  How does the malware get into the system?  Read on…

Phishing Attacks

This is the most prevalent method of attack regardless of your industry.  It’s easy enough to target large groups with one mistake resulting in a payoff for the cybercriminal.  How? Emails are infected with malicious links, downloads, or redirects to fake sites.  They are often cleverly disguised so that even the savviest among us is susceptible.  You need to be diligent in your efforts to review the sender, the links, the attachments, and the message itself.  This is known as the SLAM method.  Ongoing training is essential to keep up with the tactics that are used with phishing messages.  While phishing messages don’t always deplore malware, they sometimes redirect the user to a fraudulent link.  The user then inputs their credentials and the hacker obtains login information.  This can then lead to…

Data Breaches

One person makes one mistake.  From that one mistake, an entire network can be taken down if your credentials end up in the wrong hands.  Identify the gaps in your cybersecurity program with proactive efforts before they become something that you are reacting to instead!

HIPAA Secure Now can help to mitigate the risk of cybersecurity attacks AND ensure that you are HIPAA compliant.  Let’s work together to keep your business and your patients secure.




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