HIPAA Right of Access Myths

A patient’s right to access their healthcare data so that they can make informed decisions regarding their own health and wellbeing is the component of HIPAA known as the HIPAA Right of Access. Recently, the American Medical Association (AMA) published a new HIPAA...

Greatest Cybersecurity Threats to Healthcare

20/20 Vision in 2020 What lies ahead for the healthcare industry in 2020?  Like patient health, we can’t predict the future accurately, but we know that preventative care can go a long way when we know the risk factors. If you’re in the business of patient care,...

One Virus, Two Ways

How Scammers Are Using the Coronavirus to Trick Their Victims As if the fear of the Coronavirus outbreak weren’t enough to have the world on edge, there’s a new way that the virus is impacting humans: through email cyber-attacks. The method of contamination takes a...

Sharing Safely During an Emergency

When an emergency situation occurs, like that of the recent Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak that is said to have originated in mainland China, the healthcare industry is affected worldwide.  From the individual patients all the way up to the largest facilities...

Windows 7 End of Life Creates New Opportunities for Scammers

End of Windows 7 They say when one door closes another one opens, but in this case, it’s a window.  On January 14th, 2020, Microsoft ended its support for Windows 7.  Since Microsoft is no longer offering patches or security updates for vulnerabilities identified in...
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