Alexa, Increase Time with My Patients

Amazon isn’t a company that lets an opportunity go by.  With the awareness of cybersecurity rising every single day, opportunity presents itself in a variety of ways.  Not only do they have a captive consumer audience, but familiarity and reputation allow them to...

Ransomware Attack Impacts 100+ Nursing Homes

  “Doctor, How Bad Is It?” “I’m not sure, I can’t access your medical records to tell you exactly what the prognosis is.” Recently, this is what Virtual Care Provider had to tell its clients; that the technology services that they were providing were on hacker...

Now Will You Listen?

It is likely that we can all recall a moment when we “knew about” something before anyone else.  A band, a trend, a fad.  Then it goes mainstream and you realize the word is out, and when a big name gets on board with promoting the person, place or cause, you find...

Healthcare to Go

Isn’t it wonderful how technology has made medical care more accessible?  Not only can medical professionals be mobile and go TO their patients, but patients can now take ownership via apps and devices that allow them to monitor their own well-being.  Apps and devices...
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