One Virus, Two Ways

How Scammers Are Using the Coronavirus to Trick Their Victims As if the fear of the Coronavirus outbreak weren’t enough to have the world on edge, there’s a new way that the virus is impacting humans: through email cyber-attacks. The method of contamination takes a...

Cybercriminals Now Demanding Ransoms from Patients

Imagine this: One day, out of the blue, you receive an unusual communication from an unknown individual warning YOU that they have photos and personal information about you that they are prepared to release if you don’t pay them a ransom. At first, you might chuckle...

Protecting Patients – More Than Meets the Eye

Don’t Overlook It When you consider a healthcare organization’s role in protecting patients, it’s easy to look at things from a high-level and miss out on some of the most critical protections an individual needs, expects and is owed. For example, when I think about...

Healthcare’s Annual Physical

Annual Physical We’ve conducted our end of year physical on the healthcare industry, and while the humans that are cared for have a variety of health issues, there is one that is plaguing the healthcare industry as a whole: cybersecurity. This was not a good year for...

Alexa, Increase Time with My Patients

Amazon isn’t a company that lets an opportunity go by.  With the awareness of cybersecurity rising every single day, opportunity presents itself in a variety of ways.  Not only do they have a captive consumer audience, but familiarity and reputation allow them to...
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